dispatches from nyc

Five Things make a State of the Meerkat Sunday

So let’s see where things stand, shall we?   1.  This weekend has mostly been me lazing about, and doing bits of things that need doing. Rather boring to blog about.  Except signing the contracts (finally!) for Gin & Tonic #3 & #4.  That’s always exciting. 2.  Today is father’s day. As I said elsewhere in the […]

Five Things make a State of the Meerkat Sunday Read More »

State of the Meerkat, Saturday pre-BEA edition

It rains.  And is chilly.  I am not feeling the urge to haul down to the farmer’s market this morning.  In fact, my only urge is to sit on the sofa, nom toast-and-coffee, and work on the Hard-Deadline Client Project. I suppose that’s not a bad goal, actually. Meanwhile, I have this odd feeling that

State of the Meerkat, Saturday pre-BEA edition Read More »

that was the WFC that was (this is not actually a convention report)

World Fantasy was… well, it was WFC.  It was an odd one for me, coming on the heels of the tension and stress of Sandy, and while most of my brain is focused on the launch of my mystery self next week….  I woke up Sunday and had my usual thought of  “ok, did I

that was the WFC that was (this is not actually a convention report) Read More »

And the “where in the storm is Jim Cantore?” sweepstakes have started….

Frankenstorm update, summarized: GFS predicts the center passes over NYC; Rhode Island and Boston are all gonna die. ECMWF forecast says landfall in Jersey; NYC and CT shoreline, maybe Rhode Island are all gonna die. National Hurricane Center’s forecast agrees with ECMWF, but suggests maybe we’re all gonna die. Also: hell yes this is at

And the “where in the storm is Jim Cantore?” sweepstakes have started…. Read More »

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