Another “out of office” day….

Today was… both quite productive (despite my usual grumbles, the deflag of the copyedit for FIXED is going well, and should be finished tomorrow) and really frustrating, on fronts I can’t discuss.  So around 2pm, after a phone call to deal with some of the frustration, I decided “screw it” and hauled out the bike, and headed out.

I made it down to Pier 1 Cafe at 70th Street, following the 3rd Law of “Bike to the Beer.” Then I proved that you can in fact read off an iPad screen in bright sunlight, and got through a few manuscript submissions before biking home.

the view from the West Harlem pier (125th street, more or less), looking up-river:


the wages of cycling are beer.  Note Watson the iPad in red, waiting to be put to work…

the view from Pier 1 (70th St), looking toward the West Side of Manhattan:
the city, from the river

The ride home was entirely into the wind. My knees have lodged a formal complaint, and have demanded another beer, and steak (they got it it).

I am still cranky about various things occurring, but since I can’t DO anything about those things, I’m just going to enjoy the sunlight, the well-earned ache, and the pleasant lethargy from mmmmmmsteak.

Tomorrow, I kill the rest of the copyedit.

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