State of the Meerkat, Saturday pre-BEA edition

It rains.  And is chilly.  I am not feeling the urge to haul down to the farmer’s market this morning.  In fact, my only urge is to sit on the sofa, nom toast-and-coffee, and work on the Hard-Deadline Client Project. I suppose that’s not a bad goal, actually.

Meanwhile, I have this odd feeling that I’m actually ready for BEA next week. This is, of course, utter self-delusion.  And yet… Jaym has the SFWA signing schedule worked out.  We have the SFWA booth coverage schedule worked out (more or less) to avoid the unfortunate Incident last year when two of us basically rode herd on it the entire time, and wasn’t THAT fun (no, not really).  All of my meetings are set (sort of) and there’s a growing pile of Stuff in the BEA-prep area of my apartment.  I’ve even gotten the water and extra power cords wrassled already.

Which means of course that whatever nails us will come out of the blue, and if you can’t predict it, why worry about it, right?  We Have a Corporate Card, We Can Fix It.

(some of you may remember the Great Load-In Disaster of last year.  Throwing money at a problem sometimes really is the only solution, especially when dealing with the electricians’ union.)

I am tempted oh so tempted to set up a video camera and record each day at the booth, the good the bad and the ridiculous. If only because by the time BEA winds down, Jaym and I usually can’t remember what the fuck just happened, much less what happened three days before….

If you’re going to be there, stop by!  The SFWA table will have various authors signing books and giving away Stuff! (the actual schedule will go live on the SFWA website on Monday, I’m told).  And if you’re around Thursday at 4pm, and happen to be wearing a blogger or librarian badge, I might have Stuff especially for you…


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