state of the meerkat

state of the meerkat: pinks and blues and ink….

Taken w/ an iPad mini camera, so a little fuzzy on the edges…. but yeah.  This was the view from my balcony this morning.  Does. Not. Suck. Meanwhile, there’s been major breakthrough on plotting of The Devil’s West #2, also a possible (working) title.  And some days you look at your writing and think, “man, […]

state of the meerkat: pinks and blues and ink…. Read More »

State of the Meerkat: Preparing to Fly

Spent the weekend split between sorting and storing, and revising the novella. And poking my brain at the short story that due next month. Semi-productive, in small ways that don’t really have impressive-to-report markers.  :-( But we’re at 9 donations confirmed, and 2 more promised for #willwrite2feedothers! Four more people stepping forward to do something kind, and you

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Updatery, various and sundry

My only comments about the election are that with democracy, sometimes we get the government other people deserved.  Also, that not giving up/not losing faith is the best fuck you we can give to those who want to haul us back to the 1950’s (or 1850’s). I’m off to World Fantasy today. Over the weekend, Subtenant will be cat-minding,

Updatery, various and sundry Read More »

State of the meerkat: September, random and otherwise

Last night I woke up and – half-asleep – replaced the summerweight coverlet with the down cover. This morning I am wearing sweats and a long-sleeved t-shirt, and making the season’s first stew (lamb and lentils). If you think all this makes me very happy…. you’d be right! This is a weekend for working, not

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State of the Meerkat: Holiday Weekending

Short version: I spent one slightly rainy day and two very nice warm bright sunny days being Out! and Social! and Eating! (in some cases actually picnicking) and doing not a lick of work. (unless you call some planning-Life-for-2015 work. Do we?) All in all, a very pleasant break between deadline achieved and deadlines oncoming.

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If ever I had vanity, I’ve traded it for coffee and an extra hour of sleep…

Ever wonder what a writer looks like at the end of a book* deadline? No makeup. No shower. Nowhere near enough sleep. All those things..tomorrow. For now, enough to say “done” and tomorrow let it be m’editor’s headache joy for a while. (*technically it was TWO books, but let’s just say a little under 200,000 words, a

If ever I had vanity, I’ve traded it for coffee and an extra hour of sleep… Read More »

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