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Norwescon 2022, yo! (updated)

Norwescon 2022 has decided to use a hybrid format for this year’s convention,  limiting in-person membership to allow for social distancing, and allowing those who don’t feel comfortable attending in person just yet to view panels.  It’s not the interactive convention of our dreams (yet) but hopefully tech (and finances) will allow that to be […]

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Something Different, Something Perfect

A not-so-long-ago time past, I wrote a handful of paranormal romances for Harlequin.  And what I – and readers – discovered is that while I chafe at the limits of traditional category romance…. I am very good at creating realistic romantic entanglements, with conflicts that rely on emotion rather than contrivances (aka “my characters actually

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Give Me Lights

Occasionally while in the car I play CD Roulette, pulling something at blind random out of the multi-case and playing it.  This morning on my way down to visit a friend, the CD that came up was Styx’s “Cornerstone.”  And the first song that came up was “Lights.” Instantly, I was transported back to when

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Living in a Time of Pandemic (and special offers thereof)

It’s a gorgeous Spring day outside.  The cherry blossoms are in full bloom, birds are singing, and every slot in the parking lot is full, engines cold. People are walking, but they’re not going anywhere.  Fifteen miles away, the heart of Seattle’s downtown is nearly deserted.  Everywhere, most retail stores are closed, lines forming outside

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Publishing in Time of Pandemic, and an Aptly-Named Book

Today, the Author’s Revised Edition of CURSE THE DARK hits the stores.  Mostly. I say mostly, because due to probably unavoidably delays everywhere, the print edition isn’t ready yet (and will take longer to ship once ordered), and B&N hasn’t gotten the digital edition loaded, although it’s available at All Amazons, Kobo, and Apple. But

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