The Vineart War

Belated Love…

Awwww, someone just posted a review of THE SHATTERED VINE! I love it when backlist gets love…. And especially when the reader gets what I was doing.  “[the scene] is indicative of how Gilman subverts expectations, favoring philosophical debates over big action sequences, and even dispatching one major battle completely off the page. The result […]

Belated Love… Read More »

I have bookses! So YOU can have bookses! (aka “the semi-annual author’s closet sale”)

Huzzah to the UPS guy, for he did bring me my author copies of HEART OF BRIAR! *cheers, pets the pretty new shiny* And while I was considering what to do with them, I realized, to my horror, that… there was no room on the shelves to PUT the new copies!  Time to shift the

I have bookses! So YOU can have bookses! (aka “the semi-annual author’s closet sale”) Read More »

For Readers in the UK….

“From Whence You Came” is now available at Wizard’s Tower Books!   Centuries before the Vineart War, massive sea-serpents roamed the seas, endangering the lives of all who sailed there. Only the greatest magic could keep them in check, and protect the coastlines from their depredations. And then…they disappeared. Legend credited Master Vineart Bradhai, and

For Readers in the UK…. Read More »

Updatery is Updated

Under the heading of “better not-early than too-late,” I have (yeah, I know, finally!) updated the DRAGON JUSTICE page, complete with excerpt & ordering info! Soon (how soon?  Two weeks.  Maybe three…) there will be a chance to Win Valuable Prizes on the Official Release Day(s)!  Keep an eye on this page…. I’ve also updated

Updatery is Updated Read More »

I’m crazy, it’s true, but I’m crazy in that way that you like….

so… I’ve been wondering what to do with the “what happened to Mahault after the events of The Vineart War” realization I had…. Should it be a new Kickstarter bonus for “From Whence You Came”?  Should it be saved for some future time? And then I thought – nah. So.  If we make it to,

I’m crazy, it’s true, but I’m crazy in that way that you like…. Read More »

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