The Devil’s West

It’s August Already?

I’d ask where the summer’s gone, but the answer is, it’s going in a haze of annoying heat, pushy deadlines, and random travel.  And political WTFkery. And work. And Deadline Elbow, aka tendonitis.  I suppose it could be worse, and I did get the new book handed in, only a little (a lot) late.  But

It’s August Already? Read More »

RED WATERS RISING is a B&N Bookseller’s Pick!

B&N names RED WATERS RISING a Bookseller Pick for June, and says, “Gilman closes out her weird western fable in fine style, with another strongly character-focused story in a setting that would almost be familiar, if it weren’t so fantastically strange.”   Find it June 26th in hardcover, trade paperback or ebook at the following

RED WATERS RISING is a B&N Bookseller’s Pick! Read More »

In which Our Publisher has a Page Up for RED WATERS RISING….

So, looks like S&S has set up a page for RED WATERS RISING (even though it’s not linked to the other books on Amazon yet) so here’s a taunt from the cover copy…..   In the last novel of The Devil’s West trilogy, Isobel, the Devil’s Left Hand, and Gabriel ride through the magical land

In which Our Publisher has a Page Up for RED WATERS RISING…. Read More »

The day after THE COLD EYE releases, we have Updates!

In case you missed it: I’m at “My Favorite Bit,” talking about…well, my favorite bit from THE COLD EYE! Also, I visited Magical Words, with some advice to “Slide on the Ice.” I updated my Patreon with an enthusiastic, if pre-coffee, rendition of “On The Occasion of a Book Birthday,” and the mailing list got

The day after THE COLD EYE releases, we have Updates! Read More »

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