The day after THE COLD EYE releases, we have Updates!

In case you missed it: I’m at “My Favorite Bit,” talking about…well, my favorite bit from THE COLD EYE!

Also, I visited Magical Words, with some advice to “Slide on the Ice.”

I updated my Patreon with an enthusiastic, if pre-coffee, rendition of “On The Occasion of a Book Birthday,” and the mailing list got an Advance Update on Stuff!

This week’s “Dive Into Worldbuilding” skypecast has been rescheduled for NEXT Wednesday, due to our host having laryngitis.  Everyone send Juliette good-health wishes!

And this Friday, in Seattle, I’ll be reading and signing THE COLD EYE at University Bookstore, starting at 7pm sharp!

More as they come along….

and updatery on the updatery!  B&N’s sf/f blog just called THE COLD EYE “a captivating read” and said that the series is “more than “weird Westerns,” [but] create an entirely new Western mythos.”

excuse me while I shamelessly give you the buy link.

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