book view cafe

The “rebirth” of the Portals duology!

Let’s take a seat in the Wayback machine, shall we? The year is 2011. I’ve just handed in the 4th PSI novel, DRAGON JUSTICE, and my agent and editor are in discussions about what I’m going to do next. We’re told that Luna/Harlequin doesn’t want another Cosa Nostradamus novel, they want me to do something […]

The “rebirth” of the Portals duology! Read More »

A Good Run, and a New Run, for the Cosa Nostradamus

Back in 2004, my very first original novel, Staying Dead, came out from the then-brand-new imprint Luna at Harlequin.  I was among the first of their authors – and one of their last.  My final book for them came out only a little while before Harlequin — including all of its backlist  — was sold

A Good Run, and a New Run, for the Cosa Nostradamus Read More »

As we used to say on Livejournal, 3 things makes a post.

Well, that was special. I just saw someone on Facebook, who probably thinks of themselves as a perfectly decent and good Christian,  dismiss all of Judaism, Islam, and Hinduism, among others, as ‘just tribal laws.’ Honey, it’s ALL just ‘tribal laws.’ You’re just prioritizing your tribe over everyone else’s, and the name for that ain’t

As we used to say on Livejournal, 3 things makes a post. Read More »

It’s August Already?

I’d ask where the summer’s gone, but the answer is, it’s going in a haze of annoying heat, pushy deadlines, and random travel.  And political WTFkery. And work. And Deadline Elbow, aka tendonitis.  I suppose it could be worse, and I did get the new book handed in, only a little (a lot) late.  But

It’s August Already? Read More »

DARKLY HUMAN (now un-postponed and on-sale!)

Ahem. So. Remember a while back I talked about putting together a story collection? And then Life (and Death) happened, and things got postponed? It’s been un-postponed. And is out today (with a gorgeous cover by Elizabeth Leggett!) And priced to be an impulse buy for yourself/stocking-stuffer gift for all your friends! DARKLY HUMAN: currently

DARKLY HUMAN (now un-postponed and on-sale!) Read More »

An INTERRUPTED CRY (Sylvan Investigations #4) is Live!

Oh. Oh, hey. Lookit that! The 4th Sylvan Investigations novella, AN INTERRUPTED CRY, is up at Book View Cafe! Danny Hendrickson — ex-cop turned PI — and his partner Ellen could be any low-rent private investigators trying to make a difference, and a living, in New York City. Except Danny’s father was a faun, and

An INTERRUPTED CRY (Sylvan Investigations #4) is Live! Read More »

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