Cosa Nostradamus

salt bagels and surf and simmering sun….

Reportedly, one last day of over-90’s heat, and then we’re back to reasonable seasonable. I plan on spending all of next week in various stages of Outdoors, to celebrate. [hopefully, everyone has come through their heat, excessive rain, or quench-already-you-damn-fire, and can relax a little now, too.  Why can’t we send the rain to the […]

salt bagels and surf and simmering sun…. Read More »

Updatery is Updated

Under the heading of “better not-early than too-late,” I have (yeah, I know, finally!) updated the DRAGON JUSTICE page, complete with excerpt & ordering info! Soon (how soon?  Two weeks.  Maybe three…) there will be a chance to Win Valuable Prizes on the Official Release Day(s)!  Keep an eye on this page…. I’ve also updated

Updatery is Updated Read More »

It’s getting kind of crazy around here…

Ok, the #M2GP2K Kickstarter is starting to get a bit crazy, ’cause I just got sweet-talked into throwing another short story into the bonus-pot. At $9 you get two novellas.  Not bad, yeah. At $15, you get that, plus a previously published story. Bump that up to the $40 pledge? You’re getting TWO novellas,  a thank you

It’s getting kind of crazy around here… Read More »

Don’t make me send Danny after you. You wouldn’t like…actually, you WOULD like that..

And we’re in the second half of the funding period for “Miles to Go” / “Promises to Keep,” the Cosa Nostradamus Kickstarter! The first Cosa Nostradamus novels were published traditionally. My publisher wanted me to work on the Portals duology next, which was fine by me….But I _really_ wanted to tell Danny’s story, too.  I mean, come on:  a

Don’t make me send Danny after you. You wouldn’t like…actually, you WOULD like that.. Read More »

I always do this…

I contemplate a project, and I say “no, you can’t start work on it until X” – until you finish something else, until an editor buys it, until a Kickstarter hits 50% funded, at least. And my brain goes pbbbttttthhtt, sez YOU. And so I give you the opening lines of “Miles to Go.” ————————————- My back

I always do this… Read More »

In which my love for a character drives me to do the (kickstarter) crazy….

So, I’ve handed in Portals #1 (now called HEART OF BRIAR) to my editor at Luna, and I’m working on Portals #2 (SOUL OF FIRE) and…. I still can’t get Danny out of my head. Even thought I’m having a blast with the Portals duology, I had really, really wanted to write Danny Hendrickson – ex-cop,

In which my love for a character drives me to do the (kickstarter) crazy…. Read More »

The beginning of the end…and beginning again?

And lo, DRAGON JUSTICE (PSI#4) has gone off to Madame Editrix, and from there into the clutches of the copyeditor, and from there… What began in 2004 with STAYING DEAD has come to a close.  Ten books later, the last Cosa Nostradamus novel for Luna has gone into production. There is rare steak and red

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Tweets from the Last Day of Revisions….

The following occurred over a 9 hour span via @LAGilman     Errands run, coffee ingested, back to the WarRoom I go… #cantsleepdeadlineswilleatme #amwriting …and I just realized there’s a short story in the PSI universe that wants to be told, covering off-page adventures during #4. hrmmmm. I will say this: @matrice has the gift

Tweets from the Last Day of Revisions…. Read More »

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