the writing life

Revisionary Update

SILVER ON THE ROAD is now, officially, the longest book I’ve ever written, and I still have another 75 pages to revise (exactly where Mine Editor sayeth “give us more detail!”) So. Yeah.   (for those wondering, that means we’re past the 126,000 word mark. Certain Writers may call that a novella, but for me, […]

Revisionary Update Read More »

Busy week for NEWS!

Very pleased to say that my short story “Heartbeat” has made it into the ToC of Genius Loci, edited by Jaym Gates.  Some very nice ToC-mates there… Santa Cruz–Andy Duncan And the Trees Were Happy—Scott Edelman Blackthorn—B. Morris Allen Ouroboros in Orbit—Jason Batt Reef—Kathleen Miller Scab Land—Wendy Wagner The Forgetting Field—Caroline Ratajski The Town the Forest

Busy week for NEWS! Read More »

If ever I had vanity, I’ve traded it for coffee and an extra hour of sleep…

Ever wonder what a writer looks like at the end of a book* deadline? No makeup. No shower. Nowhere near enough sleep. All those things..tomorrow. For now, enough to say “done” and tomorrow let it be m’editor’s headache joy for a while. (*technically it was TWO books, but let’s just say a little under 200,000 words, a

If ever I had vanity, I’ve traded it for coffee and an extra hour of sleep… Read More »


A still, humid morning. I’d welcome a raging thunderstorm, if it would get the air moving a little bit… These are the days I find it hardest to work in: when the air is thick and heavy and anticipation is shivering just under the skin for something to HAPPEN and it never does…at that point

Wednesday Read More »

this fog will never lift it will always be like rain

Yesterday’s bounty: 2K new words on the mystery, and a revelation in the backbrain about revisions to be done on the fantasy, plus some long-range promo work done for DEAD MAN’S HAND which you can get your own hands on in 12 days…. and I declutterd the office, which after three days of rain was starting to remind me

this fog will never lift it will always be like rain Read More »

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