Both SILVER ON THE ROAD and Gin & Tonic #4 go to their respective editors this week. Yes, I had two book deadlines the same month. No, that wasn’t ideal. Yes, I’m pretty much worn to a frazzle right now and because of that convinced that both are utter dreck and if I only had more time…

And did I mention that both editors are new-to-me, work-wise? (I like ’em both, and obviously they like my work, but this ups the stress level considerably)
So yeah, becauseofstress, my sense of competence is pretty low right now.  One of those days where all the patpats and theretheres in the world won’t do fuck-all, but one unexpected positive review in the media would refill the well.  Not that I don’t love y’all and I know you’re passing fond of me, but this isn’t about me it’s about the work.
I guess there’s a downside to being able to separate the two, huh?
this too shall pass.  this too shall pass.  this too shall pass.  this too shall pass.  this too shall pass. this too shall pass.  this too shall pass.  this too shall pass.  this too shall pass.  this too shall pass.
And did I mention that DOGHOUSE launches in three weeks? Â I might be recovered enough by then to do more than kick it out of the house, but no guarantees.
Take a deep breath and get some kitty snuggles and maybe a cup of tea, that always helps me :)
BTW, I reread your PSI series so often that my print copies are getting worn at the edges. So I just spent $40 to purchase ebook editions so I can carry them them with me on my ereader instead stuffing the books in my purse.
You know I will review SILVER just as soon as you tell me how it ends! Wishing us both a day of good reviews.
–you fellow frazzle