
In Which We Are Awesome, a Photo Essay

Photos from Saturay’s randomactsorg #ActLocal, cleaning up Seattle’s Katie Black’s Garden.  5 hours of hard work, but as we went along, a dozen or more people walked their dogs through the park, stopped, looked around, and said “thank you, you guys are amazing.” And you know what?  We are.  :-) Most of the crew (minus

In Which We Are Awesome, a Photo Essay Read More »

Ah, Seattle

Cool and drizzly and dreary on the lovely spring day. The birds are twittering, the cats are snoozing, and the foghorns are speaking to each other again. I had not been aware, previously, that foghorns could convey exasperation and rudeness quite so clearly as they do. Slogging along on many thing that need to be

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state of the meerkat: pinks and blues and ink….

Taken w/ an iPad mini camera, so a little fuzzy on the edges…. but yeah.  This was the view from my balcony this morning.  Does. Not. Suck. Meanwhile, there’s been major breakthrough on plotting of The Devil’s West #2, also a possible (working) title.  And some days you look at your writing and think, “man,

state of the meerkat: pinks and blues and ink…. Read More »

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