In Which We Are Awesome, a Photo Essay

Photos from Saturay’s randomactsorg #ActLocal, cleaning up Seattle’s Katie Black’s Garden.  5 hours of hard work, but as we went along, a dozen or more people walked their dogs through the park, stopped, looked around, and said “thank you, you guys are amazing.”

And you know what?  We are.  :-)
Most of the crew (minus those who were camera-shy).  We had 17 volunteers, total.

1/2 acre Japanse-style garden, three years’ worth of debris build-up.  Oy.

To the Volunteers Go the Spoils, er, Pizza.

Rake-and-dig, rake-and-dig….

“And they say women are the weaker gender?”




(only 1 of these photos is mine, others snurched from teammates on social media.  Thanks, guys!)

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