
Proof-of-work, and someone else’s words….

This week’s proof-of-work is a small snippet, because anything before/after requires more context than I can explain without, well, explaining… “I’m not your enemy” the magician said. “I don’t have to be a friend; in fact you’re wise to keep in mind that I’m nobody’s friend. But I’m not your enemy. Not here, now, in

Proof-of-work, and someone else’s words…. Read More »

Shower Fic

Many of us know the healing, invigorating, brain-kicking power of good water pressure and a reliable boiler.  Need to wake your brain up?   Stuck on a story point?  Go stand under some hot water. Sometimes it can kick in without your expecting it, though. For some reason, I started telling this story in the

Shower Fic Read More »

Tease Tuesday for 10 September

 Every Tuesday I take a small chunk of something I’m working on – fantasy, mystery, mainstream, whatever… and post it.  No titles, no other info, utterly random. Y’all can give feedback or not, as you wish.  Or even try to guess what it’s from, if you’re so inclined.  There may or may not be a

Tease Tuesday for 10 September Read More »

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