Devil’s West

Library Journal gives THE COLD EYE the wink of approval… (and a star!)

from the Library Journal review, on stands today: Gilman, Laura Anne. The Cold Eye. Saga. (Devil’s West, Bk. 2). Jan. 2017. 352p. FANTASY As the Devil’s Left Hand, Isobel serves as his eyes and ears across the land. Wandering the western edges of his territory, she is called to a place where everything has gone

Library Journal gives THE COLD EYE the wink of approval… (and a star!) Read More »

Silver in Paper!

It’s Silver on the Road‘s Paperback Release Day!  And I really really want to make some brilliant pun on the silver standard and paper currency, but  I’m sure one of you folk will pick up the slack… meanwhile, I’m just going to kvell. A year ago, I was stressing over the release of a new,

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Bookplate Vault Update

PSA:  with the trade paperback of SILVER ON THE ROAD landing in eleven (11!) days – which means stores will probably have it out next week – I’m re-opening the bookplate vault.  If you’d like a personalized bookplate for SILVER, drop me an email at lag-at-lauraannegilman.-dot-net with your preferred use-name, and a mailing address. I

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