Where I Am, Where I’ll Be

Where I am right now is at my desk, trying to convince myself that yes really I DO have to tackle the List of Pending Things That Are Not New-Book-Related.

More coffee may be required.

But TONIGHT! I will be at the University Bookstore in Seattle, reading and signing and generally talking about SILVER ON THE ROAD.

SATURDAY AFTEROON! I will be at Mysterious Galaxy in San Diego, sharing the stage with Cat Winters, reading and signing and generally talking about our books, and writing historical fantasy…   (hijinks start at 2pm)

MONDAY NIGHT! I will be in San Francisco with Loren Rhodes, at SF in SF, being hosted by Borderlands Books, reading and signing and… yeah, you got it.   The hijinks officially start at 6:30pm.

And then I am home for 24 hours, and I’m off to Manchester New Hampshire for Another Anime Convention, where I’m an Author Under Glass, er, GOH.

And then I come home and fall over for a bit.  Um, I mean, start working on revisions to THE COLD EYE.

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