#WillWrite2FeedOthers 2015

Okay, we’re doing this.  Or you’ve got the chance to do this, and in turn make me do this.

What’s this?  #WillWrite2FeedOthers.  Year three.

You donate.  I write.

As many of you know, one of the charities I give to regularly is my local food bank. Because a warm meal makes everything else, no matter how hard, seems a little easier to manage. Especially for kids.  No kid should ever go to bed hungry.

Bt this isn’t meant to be a guilt trip: you can’t coerce charity – well, you can, but guilt only goes so far.

A carrot, on the other hand…..

So here’s the deal. If I get at least 30 people to send in a screen shot* of a donation made to their local food bank/soup kitchen/whatever, of no less than $10 (of your local currency)** by 15 December, I will post an original short story to my site on 1 January 2015.  Yes, for everyone.

If we get 60 people or more…well, I’ll up the stakes in a yet-to-be-named way.***

Because Thanksgiving dinner tastes better when you know other people are sitting down to a meal, too.

*send the screenshot to lag@lauraannegilman.net

**I specify cash because most organizations can make money go further than we can, due to their connections. But yes, a screen shot of at least $10 worth of goods being donated will count.  As will proof of an hour or more of volunteer time.

***oh god, I want people to rise to the challenge, but I also fear it….

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