publication update

Don’t Read This Book (but you should. And you will)

I admit it, I am posting just so I can share the fabulousness that is this cover. …and hint at the fabulousness inside. Seriously. There isn’t much that could get me to say “sure, I’ll write an RPG tie-in story…” except this world. OMG this world, how could I NOT?  Also, check that ToC.  Just […]

Don’t Read This Book (but you should. And you will) Read More »

The beginning of the end…and beginning again?

And lo, DRAGON JUSTICE (PSI#4) has gone off to Madame Editrix, and from there into the clutches of the copyeditor, and from there… What began in 2004 with STAYING DEAD has come to a close.  Ten books later, the last Cosa Nostradamus novel for Luna has gone into production. There is rare steak and red

The beginning of the end…and beginning again? Read More »

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