Lacking the energy for new content right now, I give you Freebies!

I have a lot to say, actually, but it’s going to take some writing and editing and beta-ing before I’m ready to post it (short version: “Humanity. We make me tired.”) So instead, I’m going to give you something hopefully far more fun. Remember all the cat-herding and project management I was griping about earlier? […]

Lacking the energy for new content right now, I give you Freebies! Read More »

The dogdamned record-breaking HOT Clarion write-a-thon update, days 25 & 26 / G&T update. And Stuff.

Mood index: hot RT @annenbcnews: Today is now the 2nd hottest day in NYC history. 104 degrees at 3pm. I have nothing more to say. Except, *melt*. Also, my trip to DragonCon may be in danger of cancellation for reasons totally out of my control, damn it. Everyone clap your hands and say “let the

The dogdamned record-breaking HOT Clarion write-a-thon update, days 25 & 26 / G&T update. And Stuff. Read More »

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