Various and Sundry are primed for vacation…

There is too much: let him sum up.  Keith DeCandido talks about last night’s reading at NYRSF.  I read section 5 from DRAGON VIRUS, and it seemed to be, well, “enjoyed” isn’t really what happens with that story, but people seemed thoughtful and moved by it, so I’m calling it a win. Considering the timing (August in NYC) and the weather (bucketing down rain), we had an excellent turnout, and I thank everyone who showed up.

EtA:  Our reading is reviewed!   (corrective note: it’s Goob the Long & Meerkat the Short)

This was also the first time that the SO has heard me read.  I suspect he was managing work-related emails the entire time (half his cohort are in different time-zones) but he said all the right things afterward, so I’ll cut him slack.  :-)

Today I was chained to the desk, and managed to put some serious words toward the bookrace challenge (despite the contract not having shown up yet.  Madame Agent’s still on it.  I have Faith.)  Forward motion on  G&T #1:  21,500 / 70,000

Also, I seem to have sprained my left thumb.  No, I have no idea how.

Tonight I have a dinner meeting with Madame Editrix of Luna, to discuss my next book.  Originally, we had thought it would be the next Cosa Nostradamus novel, but that’s been put on hold.  I’m quite excited and somewhat giggly about this new project….

Tomorrow…. tomorrow’s gonna get crazy.   40 hours and counting until I’m on vacation.

(for values of ‘vacation” than include still putting in 2k of words every day, anyway)

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