Travel Day!

Spending most of today in transit down to San Diego and Mysterious Galaxy, trying to avoid as much of the Cheeto Bowl coverage as possible, for the sake of my bp and my ability to deal with 46% of the country with civility. Choosing instead to remember who we are and what we CAN be.

The Obamas were a master class in dignity and civility. Did we learn what they taught?

Kindness is not weakness. Compassion is not surrender. Strength doesn’t need to be cruel, or petty. A healthy sense of humor about ourselves is essential – and makes us better humans.

1 thought on “Travel Day!”

  1. Francis C. Zanger

    Dear Ms. Gilman,
    With his inaugural address, he made things yet worse– the “America First!” language is taken is taken directly from the words of American fascists of the late 1930’s, particularly that “great American hero” and anti-Semite, Charles Lindbergh. Not mentioned in his speech: the first people to get screwed over by his policies will be his biggest supporters, as he eviscerates Obamacare.
    The Boss and Gabriel are right– any connection with the United States of America may be toxic.
    On that topic: I just completed the first two books of The Devil’s West (in less than two days, unwilling to do anything else!), and am convinced it’s the best work of yours I’ve read– and I’ve read most of what you’ve written. I’m only sorry I discovered them too early, as I can hardly expect Book 3 to come out quite so soon after Book 2, let alone how many more there may be in the series. I’ll have to re-read the first two when the third comes out, as your plotting is too tight, your details too prolific and important to rely on year-old memory. [Of course, that’s a benefit.]
    And now, if you would, stop reading my drivel and go back to lonely garret and your typewriter… We need your alternate 1801 now more than ever!
    With great respect,
    Francis C. Zanger

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