The Netflix Progress Plan

One of my, mmm, not a resolution so much as a behavior modification, was to get more use out of my Netflix account, now that the membership cost finally went up.  Comfort rewatches are all well and good, but I have DVDs for that.  So every month, I decided, I need to watch at least one new movie or show.  If I can do that for the entire year, the monthly membership has earned its keep.  If I can’t, well, I might be able to budget that money more usefully elsewhere.

(I generally don’t binge-watch: I don’t have that kind of tv-time).

I’m off to a good start in January.  Finally saw the most recent Tarzan movie (which was as good as I’d been told, both in terms of FX and their interpretation of the story), and the first five episodes of The OA, which is also as good as I was told, and as weird.  I’m curious to see how they wrap things up in the next few episodes….

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