short stories

Oh hi there January…

Happy New Year! Happy Monday! (for post-holiday iterations of “happy” and “Monday.”) For the writers: The submissions window for THE DEATH OF ALL THINGS has closed. We got over 400 (yes, FOUR HUNDRED) submissions, not including the anchor authors (who have until mid-month-ish to get their stories in), so we’re going to be busy little

Oh hi there January… Read More »

DARKLY HUMAN (now un-postponed and on-sale!)

Ahem. So. Remember a while back I talked about putting together a story collection? And then Life (and Death) happened, and things got postponed? It’s been un-postponed. And is out today (with a gorgeous cover by Elizabeth Leggett!) And priced to be an impulse buy for yourself/stocking-stuffer gift for all your friends! DARKLY HUMAN: currently

DARKLY HUMAN (now un-postponed and on-sale!) Read More »

New Story! New Anthology! OUT OF TUNE 2 now available!

No, seriously, I’ve been so crazed this week, I missed this! OUT OF TUNE 2 is out! (including my short story based on a Mexican corrido, and, if you squint a little, set in the same world as The Devil’s West…) The music playing in the night…whispering from the shadows. Haunting melodies and old songs

New Story! New Anthology! OUT OF TUNE 2 now available! Read More »

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