So much STUFF to talk about! But first, a Disaster….

Have you ever wanted to immerse yourself in a series of really EPIC disasters – from a safe reading distance? Of course you have.

And the folk at Storybundle heard you….

Every time you turn on the news, you see a different possibility for how the world might end—and imminently! Climate change, Ebola, asteroid impact, nuclear war…zombie apocalypse. How will you prepare? How will you save your family? How will you help save the world for your children and future generations? Obviously, the best preparation is to read up on every possible disaster scenario. That’s where The Disasters Bundle comes in.

One of our favorite curators, Kevin J. Anderson, has put together a new bundle of 11 epic disaster novels that cover the gamut of What Can Go Wrong. Think of it as 50 Shades of Doom. But these aren’t just tales of disaster…but tales of heroism, persistence, ingenuity, and survival. These are truly the best things to read while you’re huddled underground in your bomb shelter (or just in your living room, in the meantime)….

Pay what you think’s fair – pay $15 or more, and get bonus books!  The money goes directly to the authors (with a chunk to Storybundle, so they can continue the good work).  No DRM. No tricks.

And you’ll be getting one of the projects I’m most proud of – the darkly SFnal DRAGON VIRUS.

But you only have 21 days to score the bundle!

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