Brief Greetings from the Road!

Currently in San Francisco, after a signing (and a March!) in San Diego, and then another signing, and then going to hear other people reading at SF in SF, and now a day of relaxation – where relaxation means updating Patreon with a new serial episode, answering emails and calling my representatives – before heading home tomorrow morning.

It’s been a great, if whirlwind trip, and much love to Mysterious Galaxy in San Diego and Borderlands Books in San Francisco for hosting me!

(but despite host loaner cats, I miss my boys…)

Meanwhile, there are now signed copies of SILVER ON THE ROAD and THE COLD EYE at both those fine establishments, so even if you missed out on the buffalo and the cocoa and the gossip by not being there in person, you can still get a few author-defaced copies for your own….

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