Snow News is Good News?

Western Washington is currently experiencing a bit of a WTFkery – two major snowfalls within ten days.  I may mock my neighbors’ confusion and lack of basic storm gear (seriously, people; buy a shovel.  And use it.  Half-assing clearing your sidewalk or driveway just creates a melt-and-freeze scenario that’s not good for anyone), but since the roads tend to be in the same half-ass-cleared condition, and over hills to boot… yeah, it gets unfriendly out there.  Better to stay home, make French toast, and sleep until it’s over.

Or, if you’re on deadline, make a pot of cafe mocha and biscotti, and write until it’s safe to go outside again.

Which is what I’ve been doing, which is why there are three new things cued to release for my Patreon (the final installment of #damnitFran, the first intallment of The Mom Project, and the first serial installment of my fanfic-into-fiction), making it a really good time to join!

We’re also making serious headway into the production of the print edition of WEST WINDS’ FOOL (huzzah!) and getting the three stories of DUCHESS, PI up for sale.

What’s Duchess, PI, you ask?  Sign up for my newsletter and find out first (and the first taste for free!)!

And, for those of you who like Ask Me Anythings, or just want the chance to seriously put me on the spot, I’ll be doing an r/fantasy AMA as part of the Pixel Project on Thursday, February 14th!  Drop your Qs and I’ll make up some As!


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